Oh, God! Will I always remain flat-chested? I guess not. It seems that way. I mean look at Carolyn, Alex, Sunny, Leah, Christy, and Becky. Then look at me!!!
If I don’t wear a bra by the end of the summer, I’m going to be the laughingstock of the entire sixth grade. Oh, I don’t know.

Note the scribbles! If only I had done a better job to insure that 28-year-old-me wouldn’t publish it on the internet.
At least the second day of summer vacation was 81.
I wonder if Steve ever thinks about me. Or am I just another dope that wound up in his trail group? Maybe he does like me. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he used to but doesn’t anymore. Or maybe…
Maybe I’ll stuff a bra if I don’t wear one. Maybe not. I just hope on a stack of Holy Bibles that I’m popular next year. I’ll meet a best friend. She’ll be just like Laura was.
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