Hello! Well let’s see. Not much feeling wise has happened lately. Umm.. well. Events
Thursday I went to school. I took some tests. Yeah. Something must have happened. Oh, well. It’ll come to me.
After school, Erika came over. We sat around here for a little while and then went to the mall. For awhile we shopped for bras. I’m a whole cup!
Finally! Not enough though. Anyway after we kinda hung out and then she came back here. We worked on our costumes for a little bit and she left and Lisa came over. Soon after Erika came back but with her mother. We went to House of Fabrics to get material for our costumes. It was fabulously fun! I don’t know how, but I was lots of happy. I love Halloween. Then I came home and did whatever it is I do late at night. I don’t even know. I sewed.

I bet 15-year-old me came up with a pretty awesome costume, but I’m afraid we may never know what it was…I think that it may have been the year we went as Snap, Crackle and Pop.
Friday Erika and Fred came over. We worked on our costumes and walked to Dublin. There we shopped and I got so into the Halloween spirit. (no school) I bought Halloween decorations + suff. We got a ride back here and worked for awhile. Then we went to the game. That sucked. It was cold and boring. After half time, Amanda, Fred, Erika and I left and went to Erika’s. We sat around, drank cocoa and decorated for Halloween. I came home and sewed. A good day.
Saturday, Lisa came over. We baked brownies and put up cobwebs until three or four when we went to Lyon’s with James. We ate, but had a crappy waiter so left. We walked to the mall and hung out there. We rant into Simmy and Jeff was working. When the mall closed, Jeff gave us a ride home which was terrifying. Sunday I sewed a lot. Erika came over for a few hours. Bryan and Mike stopped by. Finally I did most of my homework and tried to sleep. That was my weekend. A good one.
Today I went to school. That was pretty average. A fairly good day. Not very exciting. After school, Erika and I pretended to run the Pumpkin Race and I came in dead last but got an ice cream. Garrett was looking at me. That was fun. After Erika and I changed we went out front and talked to Lisa, Bryan, Brett and Tom C. ( 🙂 ) for awhile. It was fun. Even after Lisa, Bryan and Brett left, Tom C. stayed and actually talked to me. I had a good time. Lisa’s dad gave me a ride home after.
At six ten I went to Mock Trial. Amanda called Simmy and started bitching at me. It seems I broke her and her last four boyfriends up as a result of them liking me better than her. Now I’m supposedly working on breaking her and Simmy up. She was being so totally unreasonable and pathetic, but it was nice. Josh, Rual, Carlos, Raphael A. and Simmy all think I’m cute or gorgeous and have a nice smile, pretty eyes and Josh even likes my fluffy hair! He said I have the best ass in the world. That was fabulously ego-building. I really needed that. But Amanda pissed me off completely. She got all of Mock Trial thinking that I am a boyfriend snatching bitch. That’s ok, it was kinda fun. She’s real sorry no. I’ve never met Rual, Raphael A. or Carlos! They saw my Sadie Hawkins picture. Simmy said I was cute over everyone else at Humphrey! Wa hoo!
Anyway despite Amanda and even with her Mock Trial was fun.
I’m interested in like ninety different people. I like it though. I feel like I’m shopping.
Katie wrote me this complete shallow boastful letter about her andher guys. So I was even more shallow and boastful when I wrote back. And the great part is, I have something to be boastful about!

The year before we learned Greek letters in English class with Mr. Heinitz. Zev (Jen written in Greek letters pronounced as English letters) became my new nickname.
I’m happy. No wall I need is to get Steve to love me. I gave Constantine a hug. That isn’t like me. I like him. He’s nice most of the time. Justin called me “Crayola.” That’s ok – it’s kinda cute. I feel desirable knowing that at least seven guys on the face of this earth find me somewhat attractive. Complete.
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