It’s Girl Scout cookie time. I am reminded of all the hours I spent as a girl wandering the streets selling cookies. Sometimes it was fun, but it was always a fairly arduous task.
Amazingly, the last year I sold Girl Scout cookies was 1998 (yes I was a Girl Scout til the bitter end) and the price has hardly gone up since then. I always notice, however, when I buy them now, how small they are. I have to wonder if they’re making them smaller instead of raising the prices…people don’t want to pay more than $4 or $5 per box, after all.
I always get the craving for Girl Scout cookies, but given that they are chock full of partially hydrogenated oils and perservatives, I got the idea into my head that I would make some homemade Thin Mints.

The cookies pictured on look way more like Thin Mints then my mangled stack and I bet they taste better than mine too! Maybe next time...
A quick googling yielded this recipe the introduction to which alerted me to the fact that the Girl Scout troops make very little of the proceeds from the cookies they sell. I tried to remember our troop getting much from the long hours selling cookies, but all I can remember are the prizes I would earn if I would sell enough of them.
The recipe seemed easy enough and I embarked on it with glee. Until I got all the way through the making of the batter to realize I had doubled the amount of flour in it! Doh!! What a rookie mistake!
I had half a mind to give up… I didn’t. I tried again. From the beginning.
The making of these homemade thin mints took up the bulk of my Sunday. I burnt the cookies a bit, but, on the bright side, the coating in ganache went much faster then expected.
My freezer is now filled with delicious minty cookies that are a little too crispy (my fault) and lacking the trans fats that make the originals so good (the recipe’s fault).
Though they are no substitute for the cookies I have eaten year after year, they are pretty good cookies. Next time maybe I’ll try making their version of the sinfully delicious Samoa.
Did you ever get your Girl Scout Gold Award?
I did!!