Todays topic is our group and why or why not they can’t go on a group outing to the mall:
Emily: 1/2 the time she’s not allowed to + the other 1/2 of the time she’s busy/grounded.
Alex: doesn’t want to
Alexis: isn’t allowed to
Christy: NEVER will be cool enough to
Leena: Who knows.
That leaves Becky + me. Will we be stuck doing everything by ourselves. Not that I mind but I wish more people would come.

Based on the size of my handwriting, I would have predicted a stronger reaction to being stuck going to the mall with Becky all the time.
We’ll find the perfect gift… for Dr. Scratch-n-Sniff
Something nifty, something thrifty
for our dear friend Scratch-n-Sniffy…
in… the mall!
The Animaniacs were grounded in their water tower, but that didn’t stop them! So unlike Andrea, who will NEVER be cool enough to pull off such a feat.
That is such a wonderful comment. After I typed this in, I went and googled that looking for the video so that I could do a follow up entry with the song. Unfortunately, that song is nowhere to be found on the Internet, but I plan to keep looking.
If you recall, los padres gave us or me the Animaniacs boxed set for Christmas the other year. I was hoping that this song was included, but alas, it was not. It alone truly represents how I feel about the mall and finding a present for Dr. Scratch and Sniff.
The internet is missing THE MALL SONG?? This has really shattered my impression that the internet contains ALL THINGS. Didn’t we record that episode but I taped over it with Sailor Moon? Maybe I shouldn’t bring that up… “In the mall, in the mall, in the glorious– (CUT) never running from a real fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon…”
muwahahahaha! That’s awesome. I’m going to keep looking for it. I will find it, somehow.