You know, I spent all day cleaning out my closet and now I feel so different. Like I’m clearer or something.
I’m also in a really great mood because I finished my “guy”. See I got a ball of fluff at the fair yesterday. Last night I made him arms and legs and today I glued them on. He’s really cute. I named him “Ball Guy”, but I’m not sure if the name fits.

Let’s review here. You got a ball of fluff, added arms and legs and now are not sure if the name “Ball Guy” fits??? It fits. Take it from me. I have fond memories of “Ball Guy.”
Well today I was supposed to go to Becky’s because she’s moving on the 1st. Anyway I was about to go over there but we got in a stupid fight. It’s so stupid I can’t even tell you. You’d start to laugh.
I decided who I like. Besides Todd. I might not even like Todd. Anyway, brace yourself. Get this, I like Andy. I think I’ve been thinking about him alot. You do not even know.
Looking back I see that even in fifth grad I was so young and inexperienced. Not that I’m experienced now, but…..I’m so different now. I’m even amazed that Andrew likes me. Hey, he’s known me for a long time – yet he likes me! At least that’s what Alyssia told me. But before school let out I caught him looking at me a lot. I pretended I didn’t notice though.
I’ll write again tomorrow. BYE
Pros | Cons |
A might like J | A might not like J |
A defended J | rumors at party |
A’s not cute |
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