The relationship didn’t last long. He didn’t even know we were going out!

What a day! Because so much happened, I’ll start at the beginning and work my way through the day.

A°: ran a mile without stopping! When I told Mrs. A about it she said “Great” entusiastically. Then I almost started to cry, what a mood swing! Then Christy was asking about how hard it was for her to run the mile, sarcastically. She didn’t even do it! It really pissed me off! While I was testing for around the world Mike H commented on what a lousy shot I made which I did. He is so sweet! I made a corner shot, and the basket went Whoosh!

Advisement: nothing

1°: nothing

2°: Emily was absent and I forgot my flute. I’m going to to try out for the Berry sax. I hope I make it!

3°: Erica was absent. Nothing much happened.

4°: Natalie dumped Billy. He was really upset. I felt so bad for him. Natalie says that the reason she’s dumped him was because whenever the phone rings and her mom answers she gets really nervous because she’s not allowed to have a boyfriend. She’s so sweet!

5°: Kassie set me and Bryan P. up so we were going out! The relationship didn’t last long. He didn’t even know we were going out! Emily says he has absolutely no interest in girls yest. I don’t like him.

6°: I try to convince people I’m not going out with Bryan but it doesn’t work. I found out Melissa doesn’t value relationships at all.

7°: Bryan and I stop the non-existing relationship.

8°: James K. stole my candy. But I got revenge. The second he tasted the Nutrigrain bar, you should have seen his face! It was so funny!

After school: I go home with Jessica and we do home work. I try to enjoy myself but it’s hard. She can be annoying but mostly she’s sweet.

6:20: I go over to Christy’s so she can drive both of us to the Junior badge night. From the second I got there I knew it was going to be a long night. Christy’s voice was especially high pitched tonight. Katy’s too. Christy has this annoying habit of tapping on your shoulder to get your attention even though she already has it. Tonight was Emily’s badge night. She was really stressed out. I’m sure I’ll be like that when mine rolls around too. I really felt sorry for her. She was really stressed. No discharge today.


Half of the day is left!

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