This morning I lied to Mrs. J again. She wanted to see that my PE shirt was labeled, it wasn’t. It was just as embarressing as the first time, and that wasn’t even the worst of it. While I was changing, Mrs. J said she wanted to see me. I had played golie, and I really sucked. When I went to go see Mrs. J, she said that 2, I repeat 2 people said that I wasn’t trying my hardest. One of these people was on my team the other wasn’t. I know who one of the people was. Well, I think I know who it was. It was probably that bitch with the black short hair. She started acting totally guilty yesterday. I HATE her. I don’t really hate Mrs. J. she’s just confused and doesn’t know what to do. I wish she’d believe me. She probably hates me because I lied. All day, I was about to cry. I’m going to see a counselor tomorrow about a class change. Now I’m on Ashley G’s team. I’ll bet my last team wanted to win so badly they kicked me off. I HATE them. Except Denise I. I knew her in 4th grade and I know she remembers me. I hope she has had nothing to do with this plan of theirs.

This is totally on the top of my most-cringe-worthy experiences list.