I geuss I’m having a sort of identity crisis.

God, I don’t know. I don’t want to go to the dance, but I want to go to the dance. If I go, I don’t know who I’ll hang out with. Emily probably isn’t going ’cause she’s sick. I don’t want to hand around w/ Ana + Alexis. I suppose I’ll go afterall the third’s the charm. Maybe I’ll actually have fun at this one. I pray…

I geuss I’m having a sort of identity crisis. I mean, I know who I am, but I don’t know who my friends are. Is that an identity crisis. Cassie’s my friend, but whenever Alexis comes near, she just pulls all of Cassies attention away from me. Alexis is a BITCH! Even Ana, who is supposed to be on Alexis’ side is getting annoyed w/ Alexis. Poor Alexis I just feel so sorry for her. NOT! In band I was ready to makeup w/ her. The feeling has passed, thank god! I just hate fight with her or anyone. Fighting SUCKS!

It’s WW2 around here. Alexis is being nice to me and I’m being nice back but we hate each other!

If Alexis were president, everyone would be fighting all the time. We would probably be up to WW1,621 by now. I swear, she has to be right! All the time!

Really? WW1,621? Is that not the most hilarious thing ever?

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