Of course I was in HEAVEN! Well, not really I kissed him and he said it was lousy – but I still like him and that added to it.

I haven’t written because, quite honestly, there hasn’t been much going on. C’est la barbe! [around here]

That is until today… I guess I’ll have to start at the beginning!

Friday night – Erika had a sleepover B-day party!  I, of course, was there and at about 3 in the morning we played (what else) truth or dare!  Anyway Sarah B. dared me to wear this certain color of lipstick all Tues (we had Mon. off) The color itself wasn’t that bad but it was the consequences that were bad.  If I didn’t wear it on Tues – I had to kiss Dav P. (GEEK) on the cheek w/ bright glow-in-the-dark red!  Guess what?  I forgot the lipstick on Tues! So I had to face the consequences today.

Of course as w/ any dare the rules change. So at lunch – I thought it was going to be my last period alive – 5 I had to kiss him!  Cassie came over and told Alexis and Ana and Natalie that instead of kissing Dave to kiss ROBBIE! Of course I tried to talk them out of my having to do it at all, but it ended up that I kissed Robbie on the cheek!  After I finally did it – I ran away!  The whole block class was buzzing about it!  Of course I was in  HEAVEN! Well, not really I kissed him and he said it was lousy – but I still like him and that added to it.

I really want to know why this sentence about how the kiss was lousy is not a bigger deal. WHY???

And this afternoon, I was on the phone w/ Erika and she said she saw him looking at me in block!  Maybe the kiss wasn’t so bad at all!  Maybe he liked it and me! of course there’s still the problem of Kerry R. She still likes Robbie and when we told her I had to kiss him, she said “Over my dead body!” I know she didn’t approve of it but hey, that’s her problem. As for me, I was so happy today I was spinning in circles.  I HOPE he asks meout!!!

This wish is sealed with a kiss!

Do you remember the first time you kissed someone on the cheek?

2 thoughts on “Of course I was in HEAVEN! Well, not really I kissed him and he said it was lousy – but I still like him and that added to it.

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