Well, my second friday in the school year, and the cool group broke apart. Yes, Jordan dumped, or rather broke up with Nat at lunch, and Emily dumped, and I do mean dumped, Doug during the break between 7th and 8th period. I knew M was going to dump him, but I had no clue Jordan was going to dump Nat. I didn’t even find out about it till after school.
I really hope this doesn’t break
the cool group apart. It’s scary though. I really think Dave likes Nat and now she’s free. Nothing can stop him. I don’t know why Jordan dumped Nat, though. I really want to know.
I danced with Dave in P.E. I don’t know if I still like him, but it kinda hurts to terminate the interest I haven’t liked someone for that long in so long. I mean, I’ve liked him all summer. But I don’t even know if I ever did. I also realize that there’s not much hope for even a friendship with him. We really don’t have anything in common.
But you know what’s ironic? How both couples were destroyed today. And with all the prank phone calls, I have to wonder if maybe the phone calls had some power over us and made M dump Doug and Joe dump Nat. Well, now I’m thinking like my life is a horror story, which it ain’t. But I really hope the cool group stays together and that I can stop liking DAve.
Depressedly yours,
Jennifer Heller

Oh yeah. It says that.
@jennifer_heller I think I found a new sign off. #woeisd