Tonight we had our festival on ice performance. I guess I better explain:
Three weeks ago, Erin, me and Sara signed up to come every Sunday at 5:45 a.m. to the skating rink to practice for the performance, tonight. Anyway, it was a pain in the butt to get up that early but I wanted to perform sooo badly.
All today I was sooo nervous. I was dying of nervousness. But finally I came to the skating rink to get it all over with. When I finally got out on the ice, I did pretty well. I landed my solchiw and my 1-foot opin was o.k., but not one of my best. Then we waited while the Intermediate people (including Sara) did their and then all together we went across the ice in a bunny-hop, bunny-hop, lunge. When we finished we were spossed to do backwards swizzles back to the wall, but my blade clanked with the girl next to me’s and she went down. I feel sooo bad. And she rubbed it in. When we got back to the wall she was complaining to Suzanne, another girl in our group about how, she was going to look like a ritard. I can only comfort myself by telling myself that she chose it to happen and the girl was a spoiled brat anyway.
After that incident came to pass we had to do solos on one-foot spins. I did better than I had on my last one, but still not very well. Oh well. At least I got to perform and that was an experience I wouldn’t trade for a million bucks. I can’t wait for ice-skating this Saturday. 2 whole days! How will I live? Just joking!
Here’s what our routine was:
March onto ice, go into skating, turn backwards, turn forwards, turn backwards, turn forwards, go into a few front crossovers into back crossovers into solchow, 2 foot glide w/ arms in “V” and turn to backwards spiral into one-foot spin.

“Back spiral”, Jennifer Heller Continue Reading