I was lucky enough to attend a fantastic Thanksgiving for Orphans party my friend Madeleine threw a couple weeks ago, and I met some awesome ladies who wanted to know about my eyeliner. What better way to tell you about it than in a video? When you’re ready, get your LORAC Sparkle Pencil Eye Shadow/Liner here!
stuff I love (& hate)
Tupperware gets rave reviews, makes great gifts!

JenMom says, “I’ve had Tupperware for longer than [Jen’s] been alive, and it’s still going strong. Thirty-five years and it’s still going strong.” Continue Reading

A Great Winter Salad
I posted on Facebook awhile ago wondering what the winter salad is. I eat a lot of salads (one a day keeps me sane!). When the weather turns cold, I shy away from lettuce and other raw veggies. They take a lot of energy to digest, and when I’m using my energy warming myself up, the last thing I want is to sacrifice some of it to superfluous digestion.
Some friends came through with some great suggestions: whole grain salads with barley, garlic, orange zest, olive oil, and pickled veggies, roasted veggies tossed with herbs and balasamic, and green salads full of fennel citrus and red onion. Yum!!
I have more experimenting ahead of me, but I want to share this awesome recipe my aunt Liz suggested: Tassajara Warm Red Cabbage Salad.
Composed of sauteed red onion, cabbage, raisins, feta and slightly sweet toasted sunflower seeds, this warm salad is sweet, savory, crunchy and warm. I nervously made it for the first time and brought it to a Thanksgiving potluck the other week. I wasn’t sure what the reaction would be–I’ve met many people afraid of cabbage and raisins (I was once myself!). I was shocked by what a hit this salad was! I had even been hoping to take some home with me, but alas, no luck.
I make it in the Cuisinart and last night I whipped it up a second time in literally twenty minutes. That’s pretty quick for me — I’m a slow cook. My aunt recommends making extra sunflower seeds (they store well and are great for snacking) and adding more raisins, balsamic and feta than the recipe suggests. I agree!
Tupperware’s Stuffables containers are AWESOME for storing dishes like this. At first glance, my dish wasn’t going to fit in the container:
But thankfully, the flexible lid accommodates!!
A lifetime guarantee, flexible lids and it’s even dishwasher safe. Get yours today!
Feelin’ Good
I’ve had a rocky couple of months, and it’s been hard on my life, my optimistic nature and my relationship. Somewhere along the line I started seeing Geraldine Shute, LAc, over at Deep Healing Acupuncture*.
At first we were just addressing my intense arm pain (due to overambitious work habits), but after a few months we delved into the physical reasons for my mood swings, which, it must be admitted, were starting to rule my life.
She recommended the following changes:
Sunshine in the Morning
Get twenty minutes of sunshine in before 10 a.m.. I chose to do this with a morning walk. It sounds so simple, but for someone who works at home, it was a challenge to leave the house before the work day was over, and now that it’s dark at 5pm, that means greeting a world shrouded in night.
It’s more than just getting out. Sunshine stimulates your body to produce Vitamin D3, and a scarcity of it can lead to all sorts of health issues (check out this resource a quick google just found me).
Morning sunshine does more than just create Vitamin D3; it signals your brain to stop producing a sleepy neurochemical, and to start producing serotonin (which makes you feel good!!). Having specialized in brain chemistry in college, I immediately recognized this usefulness. Serotonin is essential to being happy, and is produced by exercise, video games and lots and lots of addictive drugs. Who knew we could stimulate its production just by getting a little morning sunshine??
Omega Supplements with added Vitamin D3
Your brain is comprised of tons and tons of lipids, or fats. Mine is too. We live in a world where it’s hard to get Omega 6’s (an essential form of fat) as I’m sure you’ve heard. Taking Omega supplements will provide your brain with a coating of lipids.
I like to look at it as a little Omega buffer between you and the world. You know how if you have an open wound, and you brush against something, or something pokes it, how much it hurts? You know how little it hurts if you have a band-aid on? That’s what I understand Omega supplements do for you. Without it, your brain reacts more harshly to upsets than need be. Introduce some daily Omega supplements and you’re golden.
It must be noted that it takes two weeks of daily Omega supplements to feel the effects fully. I’m on day 8 and I feel better. For serious.
Not all Omega supplements are created equal. My acupuncturist recommends Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega with D3, which is comprised of fish oil, something your body easily digests and incorporates into the brain. Of course, it does come with some fishy burps on occasion, but it’s a small price (in my opinion) for feeling better and can be avoided by taking them with meals.
An added benefit to choosing Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega with D3 is that they also contain Vitamin D3, mentioned above, and will help replicate some of that sunshiney feeling in you. Can’t argue with that.
GABA Supplements
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain; this means that it has a calming effect. For those who are prone to stressing out, a GABA supplement taken as needed can help calm the overworked anxiety systems. Geraldine does warn, however, that there should be some caution taken when introducing GABA to your diet. I know from my history in neurochemistry that introducing any neurotransmitter regularly will effect your brain’s normal production, a delicate balance that we often mess with but needs to be respected. She suggests that you consult a medical practitioner before incorporating GABA supplements, but also notes that you can pick it up at any drugstore (or on Amazon by following my links).
Do Stuff that Makes You Happy
A website devoted to helping you feel happy is The Happiness Project. Gretchen Rubin, the creator of the site and author of The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun, has a blog of all sorts of suggestions to increase your happiness.
I’ve found that happy music, singing in the morning, and punctuating my day with Zumba youtube dance videos (dance along, it’s fun!) and jumping jacks, keeps my spirits up in the face of adversity.
Pay Attention
If Geraldine hadn’t asked me to start paying attention to my moods, I wouldn’t have noticed that the days when I walk in the morning I’m happier than the others, or that I am known to go from singing in the rain to bawling at a cell phone commercial within an hour. I always thought that my moods were in charge of me, and that is not an empowering way to view the world. Taking charge of my moods by noticing my triggers and what helps or doesn’t has been a powerful tool in feeling good.
I leave you with Levon Helm’s song, Feelin’ Good. A man who faced throat cancer, recovered, and has released three albums since, I find him a continual inspiration. Though this song may arguably be about using retail therapy to feel good, I like it and it makes me feel good. I would love to hear from you what songs make you feel good!
*It has to be noted that it was with a sorry heart that I didn’t continue seeing Christine Friel, LAc, at Double Happiness Health. The trek to Potrero Hill was more than my weakened state could take twice a month, but I recommend her very highly. For the east bay folks, I also highly recommend Geraldine. Message me for more info!

Surprise Pack
I’ve been a Tupperware sales consultant for years, and I am continually mystified by this product they offer from time to time: the Surprise Pack.
This is how they bill it:
“Save 60% on Surprise Packs!
Requires a $25 Order
Save now on an assortment of Tupperware®
product solutions that can help make your life
easier. Product assortments may include any of
the following Tupperware favorites: One Touch®
Bowl Set, Heat ’N Serve® container, Kid’s
Lunch Solution Set, Spring Apron, Hamburger
Press Freezer Set and/or a Refrigerator Bowl
Set. Limit one with each $25 order. $100 value.
889195 $40.00”
So with a $25 Tupperware order, customers earn the ability to spend $40.00 on $100 of mystery Tupperware. I, as a Tupperware aficionado, understand the varied uses of Tupperware products. I use Tupperware to hold my paper clips, rubber bands, and sewing kit to name a few of the oddest uses. I have a few shallow ones that help me organize loose tea bags. Whenever I find something that needs to be organized I look through my stockpile of Tupperware for something that will work.
But even I have never thought it a good idea to invest in one of these Surprise Packs, no matter how much the discount is. It’s just such a gamble! I will perhaps acquire some of a fairly long list of products. If I wanted those products badly enough, wouldn’t I rather just pay for it?
I’m sure that what’s actually going on is that they have a bunch of extras of everything on the Surprise Pack list. If you take this gamble, you may very well may wind up with three Tupperware aprons (which I can’t even find a picture of anywhere so it’s obviously a product that no one liked!).
But if this Tupperware Surprise Pack sounds good to you, you can only buy it by contacting me at sisters@tupperwaresisters.com. Leave me a phone number and we’ll get your order placed! Deadline October 8th.
There’s also a really good special you can only get by ordering through me (i.e., can’t get it online). The Clear Mates 12pc set ($101) is on sale for $49! These are great for organizing your fridge and the Modular shape means you can fit TONS of leftovers in limited space. Deadline October 8th for this particular deal.
Top 5 Reasons to Choose Tupperware
Top 4 Tupperware Products that Will Save YOU Money IMMEDIATELY
And don’t forget, you can shop for Tupperware online all day every day at www.tupperwaresisters.com!

I hate Comcast
I’ve written before about Comcast, and now that I’ve been their customer for 3 months I have to say that I hate them. Now, hate is a strong word and I try not to use it lightly. But I honestly hate them.
I have two options to choose from: Comcast and AT&T. Given that I hate Comcast so much I should probably switch to AT&T. We probably will since Will just told me they have better customer service. The best it could be is the lesser of two evils. Both have that new scheme where they charge you for super internet, or bumped up Internet or whatever their marketing team came up with to make it sound alluring. Whatever it’s called, what you get is the same service you used to get before they made the standard service slower so that they could squeeze some more dollars out of each of our pay checks. Continue Reading

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Tupperware

Back when I first started selling Tupperware in 2005, my sister and I created the above Why Tupperware graphic (still viewable at my Tupperware site!)
5. Burp the air and liquid tight seal!
Patented in 1950, the airtight seal of Tupperware was the first of its kind.
Today, Tupperware keeps your food the freshest for the longest with its air and liquid (including oil!) tight seal. Your leftovers and lunch to go will never spill all over your bag again!
To ensure maximum freshness, when storing food, remember to burp the seal. Lift the tab on the lid and push down on the center to let the air out of the container and ensure that your food will be kept fresher longest.

Top 4 Tupperware Products that Will Save YOU Money IMMEDIATELY
Tupperware designs its products with the consumer in mind. Since it’s invention in 1946, Tupperware has been the highest quality, most durable food storage option available. Back in the fifties, housewives would take it to the store with them to avoid using plastic bags; Tupperware has always been the greenest food storage available. The following are the top four Tupperware products that I guarantee that with use will save you money immediately! Continue Reading
Playful Penguin Race Product Review
I want to love this toy. Penguins! A race! So much fun. Or is it? I just had to review the children’s toy, Penguin Race.