Steve is cute. I think. I’m not sure. Nobody else thinks so. I do not know why I’m attracted to him. He likes me. I think. Larearta says so. On the dusk hike I caught him looking at me. I was laughing. I wonder what was going through his brain. If Steve likes me does Tim know?
Am I pretty?
Is it wrong to like Adrien too? Adrien’s smart. I guess Steve got two B’s and two C’s. I’m not sure. He could have gotten straight F’s or A’s. Not that I want a roket sciencetist, but I want at least one B.

Yes, I just misspelled “rocket” and “scientist” while weighing the importance of my crush’s intelligence.
During Outdoor Ed I was always with Brendan. On the trust walk I was with Shawn. In boy-girl circles I was with Brendan. For the Barnyard Boogie I was with Brendan. What is it, fate? Brendan’s going with Liz, so how come I’m stuck with him?

Outdoor Ed was a week-long overnight camp for 5th graders. The trust walk is where one person is blind folded and you have to hold hands with your partner–a big deal for a young girl!
I’m growing up. I can feel it. Am I pretty? Nanet and Tasha seemed to think so. I don’t know. I’m confused. Next year I’ll be in sixth grade at Pleasanton Middle School. What if I don’t get good grades? What if I have no friends? What if no boys ask me to the dances? I wish Christina was going to P.M.S.

Seriously, the acronym for my middle school was “P.M.S.”