Next year maybe I’ll be popular. Maybe not. How come everything will have it’s pros and cons?

Jamie will never be my friend. I have never made the first move. Maybe I could invite her over. Nah! Face it, Jennifer. You’ll never make the first move! Now I’m talking dates. I could never go up to a guy and say ‘I like you.’ Impossible. I couldn’t do that. Oh well.

Hard to believe that 18 years later I would walk into a bar and make new friends.

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How come the boys are always staring at me during class?

Grandma arrived today. Sara is sharing a room with me. Awful, huh? I’m on my first section of white.

I was crocheting an afgan much like this one except in hideous pastels.

There is a kinda cute guy in my swim class. How come the boys are always staring at me during class? It’s like I’m different from TaiHee or Nicky. Nicky is turning eleven on the eleventh of Augest. But she lives in Rino.

One more strike and we’re out. Yep, ‘The Group’ stroke again. We have to take some action soon.

It is so embarrassing changing in the dressing rooms. Most of the six year olds are bigger then me. Can you believe it? I can’t. I’ll never wear a bra before school.

One more strike and we’re out. Yep, ‘The Group’ stroke again. We have to take some action soon.

A group of popular girls, a few of whom I am now actually friends with on Facebook, spent their free time vandalizing the playground at our elementary school with demeaning comments about me and a few of my great friends. Which meant we got to spend our free time frantically washing them away for fear of our peers seeing and believing the crude and slanderous assertions.

Steve. Jennifer Heller’s first crush. And it was not a mega-crush. Steve may not even be cute. I can’t tell. Oh, well.