School starts in 19 or 20 days. How awful. I’m so nervous. How can I survive? I don’t even know what I’m going to wear. Oh God.

The innermost thoughts and feelings of 12-year-old Jen exposed. Will she find love? Will she get boobs? What is that stuff in her underwear??
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Count down 18
Only 18 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I go to Sea Ranch, come back, go to sleep, and go to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh God! I have to decide what to wear.
a. white shorts
jean shorts top
b. blue shorts
flowered top
c. white or blue shorts
Jordash top
a. 1. white shows dirt. 2. is very light
b. 1. top needs undershirt 2. undershirt looks like a bra 3. not my favorite shorts 4. zipper does not stay up
c. 1. blue shorts have stain 2. has hearts on it
a. Jean tie-top-sleeveless
White shorts-jean
b. Flowered tie-top-sleeveless
Pink shorts
c. Jordash tie-top-can be short sleeves
Blue shorts
d. Tropical tie-top-sleeveless
Torquise shorts-jean
Complete with lots of blanks for asking other people! There was some code employed here…pink or purple. The notes “hoops” or “orientals” refer to what earrings I should wear with the outfit.
Me! – a b c d e
Erin – a b c d e
Mom – a b c d e
Dad – a b c d e
Sara – a b c d e ORIENTALS
Becky – a b c d e
Lorenda – a b c d e HOOPS
______ – a b c d e
______ – a b c d e
______ – a b c d e
a. sexy top, my colors, bright
b. sexy top, flowered, my colors
c. my colors, neat-looking
d. very colorful
Crossing out the pros and cons was not good enough for me. No, I had to scribble them out entirely. Too bad future me can read it anyway! Also, the big holes referred to in Cons letter D are the big arm holes that–if I was unlucky–one could peek through to see my bosom.
a. white shows dirt
b. baggy shorts, zipper comes down
c. has hearts, long-sleeved
d. big holes
Count Down 16
Count Down 18
The day before school starts I think I”ll get a “French Manicure.” It’ll look neat with any outfit.
I’m not sure what I’m wearing yet. I’m not even sure what my vote is.
Mom and Sara thought ‘C’. ‘C’ has hearts so I don’t think it would be my favorite.
Kelly and Lorenda said ‘B.’
Nobody has voted for ‘A’, but I think Dad might. ‘A’ is very plain, but I like it.
I have not gotten my packet yet. I was so sure it would come today. It has to come tomorrow.
Count down 15
1 1
1st WEEK
MON – tropical tie top
No School
TUES – tropical tie top
torquise jean shorts
magenta hair thing
7 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked mom if I could shave today. Mom thought it was funny.