Hi! This is the place where I record just about everything important that happens to me. Right now, I’m in the summer vacation between 7th and 8th grade. My bestest friend, Becky M., lives in Texas. But right now she’s here in Pleasanton with me. At this moment, she’s staying with my other best friend, Emily D.
For the month of July, I’m taking an art + drama class at summer school. I’m 12, although most of my friends are 13. One of my favorite intrests is ice-skating. I’m one of the advanced classes at Dublin Iceland. I adore it. Every Wednesday, I go and skate. After school got out, one of my really good friends, Natalie D., started to take lessons. Last week, Dave S., my latest intrest, came to skating. We don’t know each other really well, but we’re friends. I’m not giving up hope, though. Smurf is his code name.
I am very creative, though I spend half my time watching the tube.
I’m in the middle of writing a book — Deja Vu. It’s a horror-love story. I’m not really far, but it’s good so far. In art class, we’re supposed to keep a book of sketches. Mine are really good, if I do say so myself. In drama, I tried out for the part of Fryer Luck (spinoff of Robin Hood) for our play. It’s a rather big part and I hope I get it! I’ll find out tomorrow.
My romance life? Non-existint. Alot of the time, I’ll put myself down but that’s only when I’m upset, of course, that’s alot of the time! I’m sort of in the “cool group”, which includes: Natalie, Emily, Jordan E. (Nat’s boyfriend), Doug B. (Em’s boyfriend), and of course, Dave. Or Smurf, if you’d rather.
My nickname is “Dipper Tinman Insane”. I got that because on my left cheek is a dipper, (as in the Little Dipper & the Big Dipper) Tinman because me, Nat, Erika H. (one of my most trusted good friends) and Christy L. (who will often be referred to as Fred–she’s another great friend) all have parts in the Wizard of Oz. I got insane because basically I’m really wierd. Crazy. Mostly hyper.
Hopefully, you know all this junk I’m telling you because you’ve read my previous diaries. In fact, I have no idea why I’m wasting all this ink and trees explaining my life. I’ll stop now and tell what happened today.

Yes, it really says that. You cannot deny that 12-year-old Jen wanted to have her diaries posted on the Internet. If the Internet had existed then, this would have been a LiveJournal.
Todays Sunday, so I didn’t have summer school (that was pointless, huh?). Anyway, I was going to go to the mall with Em, Nat and Beck. But my parental units let me have them over for swimming and dinner too.
Natalie arrived about 1:15. We walked to the mall. About 1:30 we were at Olga’s Kitchen, waiting for Em and Becky. They didn’t arrive till 1:45! Anyway I was annoyed with Em, basically all the time we were at the mall. For no particular reason, either. I just needed to take my aggression out on someone. Then, about 3:15, we got picked up by my mom. We headed home, got in our suits and went to the pool. Maybe it was the cool, wet water that snapped me into my senses. Anyway I stopped being annoyed with Em. I felt really bad, because she had read my last diary entry and was on the verge of tears. So, for the rest of the night, I tried to be especially nice. I feel bad. Sorry M!
CIAO! Bonne nuit!