Last night I had the strangest dream. In my dream we went ice-skating. Erica was with us.
In trooped the band. Well, part of the band. Guess who was there? Andy!
So Erica and I walked over. And Tony was there for some reason. He asked me why my line had been so busy. I told him my mom was on it. Everyone was sitting down.
When I was just about to sit down, Andy came up and looked me in the eyes. I looked straight back and sat down.
When we were on the ice, I was skating near Andy and his friend. His friend said now you hold hands. Suddenly I realized that he really liked me, so I said that he didn’t skate very well to get out of it, cause he showed some interest in doing it.
There was more but I don’t remember it. Does he like me? I think I like him. Okay, I know I like him. I think he likes me. See ya! Continue Reading