Whenever I start a new diary (even though it’s only my 3rd one) I feel as though time passes too quickly. Well I feel that way now.
Everyone at school is making a big deal about how there’s only 17 ½ days of school left. I don’t want school to end. When it ends it means another year has passed. Summer comes and I never see anyone anymore. I’m hoping this summer will be different. Christy lives close (L.) so I am hoping I will be seeing a lot of her. Becky and I only had one real summer together- the summer between the 5th and 6th grade. Becky and I were inseperable.
I wish my friends lived closer. I have a feeling the public buses are going to get a lot of use this summer! Soon we’ll be getting our yearbooks and then the memories of last year will come rushing back like the cascade of a giant waterfall.

Seriously, the acronym for my middle school was “P.M.S.”
I’ve had two pretty good years at PMS. I dont want this school year to end partly because at the beginning of the school year I promised myself I’d go out with someone by the end of the year. Sure, everyone says they’ll set me up w/ someone but it never happens and I don’t want to be set up with someone. I want him to ask me out, not someone saying, “oh, by the way you’re going out with so and so.”
Although I would not mind that maybe even like that part of me doesn’t want it to happen that way while another part screams, “Go for it!” “Let them set you up!” I wish I could find someone to like. Anyone-I keep hoping that some new guy will come tomorrow and I’ll immediately love him and he’ll immediately love me- time won’t exist only our love will exist. We’ll spend all summer together-no barriers are strong enough to keep us apart. Well I am dreaming but I think thats the only way it’ll happen. Oh well life goes on. I think I’ll just keep daydreaming…
Our two hearts are entwined in love (now I guess we’re older) Nothing can stop us now. Except the move. The parental units are making us move to Switzerland. I beg, I plea- they’re mind is made up! It seems to be our destiny to live a long distance love. No more nightly walks or goodnight kisses. Deep into Misery The moving van takes off with our car right behind it. There I sit until I realize that there is no way I can leave him behind. I jump out of the speeding car (I’ve always wanted to do that) and run into his arms-safe, protected.
(I want to be a writer) Continue Reading