Fuck! just got red pen on the same shirt as the blue!

Today I’m using red and orange, for these are the colors that usually represent hot. And hot I am! All day I’ve been totally sweating. Well lets give up the hot. Every other subject will be red.

1st Subject: People I hate.

Spoiler alert!! There is no second subject!

Ana. Bitch of all Bitches. Queen of fat. Duke of ugly. President of mean. You get the picture?

Julie. Don’t know why but I do.

Megan. Bitch. Even meaner than Ana. That’s pretty mean, too. Continue Reading

I’m glad that “paper is patient”. I pour all my secrets in this diary. Well almost all of them. I suppose there are still some.

I haven’t written for awhile ‘cause there’s been nothing going on. Erica’s been back for a few days now. I wrote Becky. I still think about Andy alot. He’s usually on my mind.

The last night before last Dad brought home Glider. When I found it (in the silverware drawer) I yelled with pleasure.

You can yell with pleasure too! Glider is a really great game. I still love it, and it’s available for download and will work on most computers!!

Today he brought home Tetris. Those are my favorite games. Before I barely was on the computer. Now I’m addicted. I have to wear the amulet to keep away the computer “vibes”. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m the best at Glider.

I’m glad that “paper is patient”. I pour all my secrets in this diary. Well almost all of them. I suppose there are still some. I know somebody’s going to read this, so I’m apprehensive of what I write.

Becky always used to laugh at what I wrote. I felt, hey, what kind of best friend would laugh at my feelings? I think it’s absolutely horrible.

In fact I used to write my secrets in cursive, so she couldn’t read it. I have alot of anger towards her. Today I’m going to pour everything about Becky into here. Wonderful. I just marked my white shirt with blue. (You can laugh at that) Continue Reading

When I was just about to sit down, Andy came up and looked me in the eyes. I looked straight back and sat down.

Last night I had the strangest dream.  In my dream we went ice-skating.  Erica was with us.

In trooped the band.  Well, part of the band.  Guess who was there?  Andy!

So Erica and I walked over.  And Tony was there for some reason.  He asked me why my line had been so busy.  I told him my mom was on it.  Everyone was sitting down.

When I was just about to sit down, Andy came up and looked me in the eyes.  I looked straight back and sat down.

When we were on the ice, I was skating near Andy and his friend.  His friend said now you hold hands.  Suddenly I realized that he really liked me, so I said that he didn’t skate very well to get out of it, cause he showed some interest in doing it.

There was more but I don’t remember it.  Does he like me?  I think I like him.  Okay, I know I like him.  I think he likes me.  See ya! Continue Reading

It’s so strange, cause I don’t know what it’s like to like someone.

You know, I’ve been wishing the strangest things.  I keep wanting to see Andy.  It’s so weird.  You know, it’s like if I see him I’ll figure out if I like him or not.  I don’t even remember his face. And the yearbook, well, the picture is too old.  It’s so strange, cause I don’t know what it’s like to like someone.  With Steve I never saw him so……I mean are you always thinking about them?  Or do you fall apart just thinking about them? Continue Reading

What if he doesn’t like me? I mean I’d rather wait until he calls me and asks me out. If he would.

Hi!  I am going to call Justin and talk him into going out with Erica.  Not that he needs any persuasion, but you know what I mean.

So then Erica reads this and decides that she’s going to call Andy and do the same for me.  I don’t know.  What if he doesn’t like me?  I mean I’d rather wait until he calls me and asks me out.  If he would.

Also Erica asked me what I would do if both Andy and Andrew called me up on the same day and asked if I would go out with them.  What would I do?  I can’t two-time.  It’s not going to happen, though.

Becky moved yesterday.

CATCHA LATER! Continue Reading

Looking back I see that even in fifth grad I was so young and inexperienced. Not that I’m experienced now, but…..I’m so different now.

You know, I spent all day cleaning out my closet and now I feel so different. Like I’m clearer or something.

I’m also in a really great mood because I finished my “guy”. See I got a ball of fluff at the fair yesterday. Last night I made him arms and legs and today I glued them on. He’s really cute. I named him “Ball Guy”, but I’m not sure if the name fits.

Let’s review here. You got a ball of fluff, added arms and legs and now are not sure if the name “Ball Guy” fits??? It fits. Take it from me. I have fond memories of “Ball Guy.”

Well today I was supposed to go to Becky’s because she’s moving on the 1st. Anyway I was about to go over there but we got in a stupid fight. It’s so stupid I can’t even tell you. You’d start to laugh. Continue Reading

I’m sure she has her share of problems, like who should she eat lunch with today.

I hate Andy and Amy. Well, maybe I don’t hate her but I sort of do. I mean I envy her so much. She’s popular and pretty. You know the “p’s”. I swear how I’d love to be in her shoes. Well maybe not. I’m sure she has her share of problems, like who should she eat lunch with today. You know when I was somewhat in her group I was happy. Now I’m back in the same old group. Continue Reading

I hate Andy. He used me. He deliberately led me to believe he liked me.

I hate Andy. He used me. He deliberately led me to believe he liked me. I mean what about that day in Art, when Amanda said he liked me. And all those days ever since when Steve has asked me if I liked Andy. Andy probably hired them to mislead me. I really thought he liked me. I almost liked him. I have no proof that he ever liked me, but really. Two reasons were alot. The reasons are mentioned above. Now Andy goes and likes Amy. I swear! Really! Damn him. I will never let anyone read this diary again.

Fuck Becky. You know she told me her mom would be back by early Sunday night, and that her mom would take us to see Jurassic Park that night. So I called her to ask if she could go. Continue Reading