Becky is a DOA..I made that up. It stands for Daughter of an asshole. She is also a major bitch. At Great America on Saturday she was being a major spoiled sport. She just had to have her own way. She wouldn’t go on Top Gun or Vortex or even the Fiddlers Fling, which is a lame ride. I might be able to understand about Top Gun but she wouldn’t go on the Blue Streak if her life depended on it! (The Blue Streak is a kiddie roller coaster!).
She spent all Saturday complaining about the long lines and how her vein in her foot hurt. In fact I was only with her for about an hour and a half. After that I got fed up and Emily and I left to go on by ourselves. Only we were stuck with Christy. Only till four though. After the awards ceremony (our band took 4th and got the Spirit Award) Emily and I took off leaving Becky and Alexis with Christy.
Ok so me and Emily had a great time. We went on Vortex and that is THE BEST!!!!!!!!! We didn’t have time to go on Top Gun. After all the line went through two lands!!!
Ok, so 8:30 rolls around and we meet with our chaperone’s and stuff. Emily and Christy, and Alexis make up this outlandish story about how they went on all of the scary rides like Vortex, Top Gun, the Demon. Anyway they’re scared like Hell of these rides and would never go on any of them.
Oh I forgot, when we were with Christy, we were talking bad about Becky and Alexis. Guess what? Christy told them!!!! So there we were. They were all pissed at us and telling LIES!!!! So they’re DOAs and Bitches!!!!!
It was hecka funny in the car on the way home. Becky says she was tired and didn’t remember if she went on Top Gun or not!!!! If you went on Top Gun you would remember it. It would be the best thing that ever would happen to you. Sure she’s tire. She also said that she thinks she bumped her head?!!!! Sure, Becky we believe you?!!!! HA, HA!!! That is why Becky M. is a DOA