I kick her. She punches me in the stomach. I should have hit her with my flute.

In Health I insult Leah.  In band she kicks me.  I kick her.  She punches me in the stomach.  I should have hit her with my flute.

On the phone me and Jennie made up a really mean letter.  I’m going to send it, too.

Jennie got these hella cool stickers.  They’re stars and moons and planets.  They cost five bucks, but I have got to get some.  They are hella HELLA Cool.  Her room was like outer space.

Glow in the dark stickers. What every 11 year old girl is actually consumed with.

I have to get second chair in band.  I can get any chair as long as it’s above Leah’s.  If I don’t I’ll cry.  Right there.  In front of everyone.  I will cry. Continue Reading

Yep, I started to swear.

I’d taken up swearing with many many underlines even!

It’s awful in band. Ana is so terrible. I can’t describe it in words. She is the biggest bitch in the world.

Yep, I started to swear. Whenever I swear someone says Oh wow I can’t believe it. Jennifers swearing. Continue Reading

But I guess that’s the way life is. Is that an epiphany?

It’s been awhile. I’ve gotten kinda caught up in the day to day existence of life. I’m so used to my routine. Some days I just float through school, some days just suck, and some days are cool. But I guess that’s the way life is. Is that an epiphany?

Well two weekends ago sucked. I don’t quite remember what happened. I think I went to a football game. I bet that was fun. I think I had a kinda boring weekend.

Bryan hasn’t shut up about Julian. And he’s decided that he’ll hold it over my head that he’s going to tell him. It doesn’t matter anymore, Julian knows. I’ve decided that. He like, avoids me. Not that he ever didn’t. But I know he knows. It’ll be ok. I guess. I just didn’t want him to know. It’s all just a fantasy. (Here comes an epiphany!) Continue Reading

I found out I have a 3.8 for first quarter. Go me! That’ll really help me achieve my admission to CAL!

Hmmm. Let’s see what’s been going on? Well I’ve been at school. I found out I have a 3.8 for first quarter. Go me! That’ll really help me achieve my admission to CAL! Monday night, at Mock Trial, I found out ti got a lawyer. I’m not sure which type yet, but I made it! And I’m pretty good! I was so proud- for once I wanted something, I actually went for it and I got it!!! I was really proud. I’m either Defense trial or Defense pretrial. I’d rather be pretrial, but either’s fine. I even enjoy the homework. And there is a lot of that!

Anyway, that’s my good news. Tuesday night (11/5) I called Katie to wish her a happy birthday. She wasn’t home so called me back last night. It was odd but I love her. She’s coming to visit in January. She’s bringing her Oregon friend Kristin. It will be odd, but oh well. I suppose I’m looking forward to it.

Yesterday, after school, Heather came over. We worked on Mock Trial and goofed off and then went to Mock Trial; fairly boring for me for I only was able to interview one witness. That’s alright. As soon as everyone has their parts we can start practicing. Wa hoo! I love Heather. We’re becoming pretty close. Especially since I’m not really speaking to Bryan.

Bryan is a Scorpio. I’ve since then learned to avoid Scorpios as much as possible.

Oh that. Didn’t you know? He told me that I’ve “changed” and I’m “pathetic.” That was Mon or Tues. I just kinda looked at him, turned around and stopped talking to him. If he talked to me, I’d speak to him, but I most certainly didn’t go out of my way to talk to him. Today it was a little better. We sat at the same table during the PLAN testing (boring–too easy) and talked some during History so then this evening I was in a really fabulous mood and I had no one to talk to so I called him, hoping to try to mend our friendship. Mike was over and I got bored so I hung up when he had another call. He called me back 1/2 hour later to tell me he was soory, but I was talking to Lisa who was pretty depressed so I didn’t talk to him. I was pretty cold to him, but you know I take a lot of crap from him and have never, ever dished it out, to him at least and I don’t have to put up with it. I have always cared so much about him and he has never cared back, so I give up! I’m sick of this and I’m tired of obsessing over him. So I will give up. Whatever happens, happens.

Tim and I have gotten pretty close now. He’s so huggy and clingy. I know he wants me, but I don’t want him. I’ll play around with him and hug him and let him hold me, but I don’t want anything more. I’m a bit afraid though. Oh, well. He calls me a lot. Starting today. Wierd. Lisa and James came over today. Lisa’s really depressed. So’s James, kinda. I’m pretty happy. The only thing bugging me is the Bryan thing. But I try not to let it hurt me. It does, but oh, well I’ll survive. Tonight, I was talking to Erika and we were laughing just like we used to for hours until her parents interfered. You know? A major part of my life doesn’t get in here. Email that is. Normally, I don’t write about that when I spend a while writing people. Well, read corresponding letters, reader! And my writing. I am changing but I like what I’m becoming. It’s kinda depressing. I don’t find a lot of perverted humor funny anymore. It used to be. I don’t find Bryan anything more than a bastard. Sigh. That’s alright. Anyway, I’m exhausted and I probably could go on forever, but I’m going to bed.

This probably qualifies as an identity crisis.

Love always,



I used to be the one to have to say hi in English or to talk to him in Algebra. Now he’s talking to me.

The past few days have been wonderful. On Sat. I went to Great American with my troop and had a blast. Yesterday was Halloween and that was very cool too. But those weren’t the reasons why I’m in 7th heaven. The reason is that everyday, I get closer to him. I used to be the one to have to say hi in English or to talk to him in Algebra. Now he’s talking to me. Here are some examples:

Yesterday: Eng. – I was wearing my costume & he asked me what I was. History – He was heading back down our row after having to go up for some reason. He said Ola to me! I was in heaven. Algebra – He started studying me with Steve. Mike H. asked me why I was talking and I said because I was too good at it not too. Greg asked me why I was whispering. I think I said that I talk too much and he said that he did, too.

This one’s embarassing.

Today: Eng. He comes over at the beginning of class and starts talking to me & Ana about candy & how much he got. History – nothing. Algebra – We got the same grade on the test an 84% – bad. He asked me for an answer for a problem on our homework. That means he knows I’m smart & he respects my answer. We got the same one. He also mouthed to me that Steve was annoying!

Thirteen-year-old-me dreaming of marriage!

I’m beginning to think that I may actually have a chance with him. I don’t like Justin that much anymore ’cause I don’t have a chance with him. But, these past few days have been great because every day we get closer. I know he still likes Alyssia, though. So I’m just going to wait for her to get through with Brent (her current boyfriend), so Greg can ask her out. Then she’ll get through with him, providing she says yes, which she will, and ask me out! It’s perfect. NOT!

In Love,

Jennifer G.H.H. W.

I feel desirable knowing that at least seven guys on the face of this earth find me somewhat attractive. Complete.

Hello! Well let’s see. Not much feeling wise has happened lately. Umm.. well. Events

Thursday I went to school. I took some tests. Yeah. Something must have happened. Oh, well. It’ll come to me.

After school, Erika came over. We sat around here for a little while and then went to the mall. For awhile we shopped for bras. I’m a whole cup! Continue Reading

I’ve come up with two conclusions from going: 1. Doug likes Natalie & 2. Jeff likes Katie. It was really obvious.

There was no school today. Last night I went to Scaregrounds with Natalie, Katie, Kris B. and Doug. Unfortunately we met Jeff there and he hung out with us for the rest of the night. But despite Jeff’s company, I had a great time. It was really cool. We went in a perfect sized group and had a blast. There was enough people so you never really felt left out and but not too many so you had to move in a giant group and nobody had a say in what happened. I’ve come up with two conclusions from going: 1. Doug likes Natalie & 2. Jeff likes Katie. It was really obvious.

After scaregrounds, Val & I spent the night at Katie’s. It was great. All morning we made pretzels for their German class, and then Fred came over to help. This SIP day was the best!

Jennifer Heller

If I die, I love everybody. I know I’ll die just not yet.

Damn, it’s been a long time. Hmm. Well, last weekend was very boring. I don’t think I did much of anything. Lisa probably came over. Oh and Friday (10-4) I went over to Amanda’s. That was wierd. I’m sick of trying to invict morals to the morally deprived! Oh, well. I guess lecturing Amanda for the billionth time about AIDs and pregnancy is completely normal by now. Erika was sick but she’s pretty much better now. Oh! I’m a hell of a lot happier now. Much. I do love myself. I did my book report all last weekend. All last week, I was happier. Shawn H. was pissed at the world, Mike was down on himself, James was with Amy V., Erika was back, Bryan was with Lannie, Fred was flirtacious and Lisa was Lisa. Continue Reading