I AM A SIXTH GRADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM A SIXTH GRADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not believe it. I am growing up. Worse yet, I don’t know if I like it.

Going to PMS is going to be hard. The PMS campus is so big it’s like the sky.

Seriously, the acronym for my middle school was “P.M.S.”

It seems to never end. Oh, well. I didn’t win the fifth grade story contest. Continue Reading

I’ll be the only one in sixth grade without a phone.

Pool Party!!! It’s finally comin’ together.


Even at the age of 12 planning for my birthday party (not yet titled Jenfest) began months in advance.

I’ve had fun in fifth grade. Now there is only four days left. Only four days!!! Next year I’ll be in an humongous school with 1,000 people. I’ll never find my classes. Continue Reading

It was like the wheel of life just dropped me off, the world had been revolving around me, or even I was just plain invisible.

I am so ______!!! (mad, ashamed, whats the word?)

If this were a game of mad libs, I’d go with AWESOME.

After the concert (which went great by the way) Becky was really nice. But then she started talking with Sandy and Steve. I felt like a major outcast. It was like the wheel of life just dropped me off, the wrold had been revolving around me, or even I was just plain invisible.

And the Wheel of Life said, “You’re not welcome here any longer, Jennifer Heller.”

Even at the age of 12 I knew that the world revolved around me.

At least I got an A- on my math test.

Steve didn’t ask me out last Friday! Nor did I find out who won the story contest. At least I got an A- on my math test. Should I give up on the fact that Steve might ask me out? He doesn’t see me at all during school. Before and after school are even worse. I have to rush to Carol and he plays basketball til the bell. Maybe he didn’t like me till Oudoor Ed. Maybe he doesn’t like me at all! I really do not know. On Friday Becky was really nice. Alex too. Becky bought lunch. Only have five more bookworms.

Christy got mad because I sat with Carolyn at computers. Then we made up.

How can this be? Becky says she isn’t mad at me. Should I believe it?

Apparently I had still not received any Kudos from Becky.

Apparently I had still not received any Kudos from Becky.

Today Becky and Alex hung around with me.

Christy got mad because I sat with Carolyn at computers. Then we made up.

Good story Jeopardy contestant!

Good story Jeopardy contestant!

I still haven’t found out the winners. I think I will tomorrow.

What’s even worse is Steve hasn’t asked me out yet! Does he even like me? Peter found out that Ana likes him.

Tomorrow I have to find out who won the short story contest. I have great faith in The Famous Feline, but I don’t have much self-confidence.

My first ever get rich quick scheme was Crochet 'R' Us, a store devoted to selling chroceted bookworm bookmarks.  Back then they had little pipe cleaner antennae and googly eyes.  Think I should take it up again?

Tomorrow I have to find out who won the short story contest. I have great faith in The Famous Feline, but I don’t have much self-confidence. Gotta go chrochet.


Obsessed with cats from a young age, The Famous Feline was a story I wrote for a district-wide 5th grade short story writing contest about a talking cat who wants to get into show business (if memory serves…). I have this horrible memory of the teacher reading all the stores aloud so that everyone could vote. I must have been beet red I was so terribly embarassed. It isn’t ever covered in my upcoming diary entries, but mine was one of three stories to be entered into the competition, though I do not believe I won.

Does Steve like me? That is the main subject on my mind.

Does Steve like me? That is the main subject on my mind. If he likes me why won’t he ask me out? Tim doesn’t seem to be afraid to ask girls out. Is Steve nice? I don’t know. I wish I dared tell someone I like him. Kelly seems to be avoiding me lately. She doesn’t go on any walks anymore. I would tell her about Steve.

I’m having day dreams about Steve asking me out. It would be a Friday. I would have just walked into the school yard when Steve would step in front of me and say: “Jennifer can I talk to you? Alone.” Kelly would leave. Steve would then ask me out, nervously, I would consider for a few minutes ask if it was a joke and then say “maybe.” Is Steve considering asking me out? Continue Reading