Man, what a welcome back. I have been out since Mon with lice (everyone thinks I have strep throat except Em & Erika). Anyway today was okay but I didn’t start the school day til 3°. While I was out, I cute my hair to make getting lice eggs out. It’s now child length. Anyway as it is in our tradition, Emily was absent today. I really wanted to see her, though. Because Erika knew I had lice she wouldn’t hug me, although I really needed that hug. I can count on her hug 3° to help me through the day. Not anymore.
While I was gone we changed seats in block. Now I’m sitting by Billy and Dave P. I don’t mind Billy, but Dave… I mean, this guy is…well really, really (tres, tres, TRES!) annoying. He makes Shoemaker look like good company! Hell he makes Erica seem like good company! Anyway, he wrote this note to Alexis saying something like:
‘Do you want to give a bone to Jeff as much as Jeff wants to give a bone to you?’
‘knock, knock,
who’s there’
something, something…’
and signed it Jeff. Anyway, when Alexis read that she started crying. I mean, I can see how it might upset her, but crying is a little much. Anyone would get upset, and I’m not meaning to offend Alexis in any way because she’s sensitive (I think) and I would get upset if I had gotten it. I just wouldn’t have cried.

12 year old me felt it was necessary to accompany this story with this awesome depiction of Alexis’ unnecessary tears. Way to drive the point home 12-year-old-me!
Anyway, tonight I got this depressing phone call from Alexis. She was complaining about how, technically, in the popular pyramid, we’re just one step up from geeks like Shoemaker. It was really depressing, ’cause I’d consider us somewhere in the middle. I wouldn’t want to be on top – because in order to be on top you have to be majorly bitchy.
More Later. Continue Reading