Last night was the dance. I would have written last night but I was at Alexis’ house and I needed some time to sort out my feelings.
I had a great time. 3 is the charm! I was hopeful about dancing w/ Mike, but I was having a great time. About the 7th or 8th slow song, Jeff asked me to dance. We didn’t dance the whole song, but everyone was laughing. For the last dances I hung around in a great big group of people including Kerry R., Robbie, Alexis, Cassie, Danielle P., and more. We were right near the cliche and it seemed like I was having a better time that they were. They’re to exclusive. The DJ did snowball, where every time he says snowball you change dance partners. He did it to Gangsta Lean. I was standing right near Mike, but he didn’t ask me to dance! Why do I have to like a shy guy?
I told Tamara I liked Mike, and the very next slow song she decided I was going to dance with him. She went up to him and asked him if he’d dance with me. He said yes, if he knew who I was! I hope he was either playing dumb or couldn’t hear my name clearly. Tamara pointed me out and dragged him over to me. I gave Tamara what I hope looked like a bewildered glance, and then looked at Mike. We looked at each other for a few seconds then I shrugged and so did he. I put my arms around his neck; he put his arms around my waist and the song ended! It’s funny, I swear. The few seconds we were dancing weren’t wonderful as I had hoped. They were dissapointing! When the song ended, he yelled “yes” threw his hands up in the arm in a Y and headed to the cliche. He acted as if he didn’t want to dance w/ me. Did he?
I also danced with some guy Jeff set me up w/.
Alexis started to cry sometime during the dance; Ana joined her. Alexis was cring because the only people she danced with wrere Mark Miscelli and Keorber. She was also crying because Jeff had asked every single girl around her to dance, but not her; how mean! Ana was crying because she wanted to dance w/ anyone. The climax of the evening came when Alexis and Jeff were outside talking. When they came back in they were both crying! It was a funny sight to see Jeff crying! I don’t mean to be harsh but it was! Jeff was crying because he thought Alexis hated him. He and Alexis danced the last dance, and you couldn’t wedge a CD in between them.
You know, I’ve been thinking that maybe it might bot be that great to be in the cliche. Sure, you have a dance partner every dance but think how Amy must feel! She never dances w/ anyone outside the cliche! That, in my opinion, is even worse than never dancing at all. She and Mike danced a few times.
People who know I like Mike

OH NO!!!!
Someone I don’t even know! Continue Reading