What a day! Mike was absent. In Science I did my presentation. I was really nervous. Mr. Rose didn’t go in any particular order so when he called my name, I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t speak loud enough, so Mr. Rose was always telling me to speak louder. When I finished people clapped. I mean they actually clapped. The funny thing is that I don’t remember them clapping for anyone else. Lord, I wish I had paid more attention. It made me so nervous that they clapped. I don’t know why.
Alexis wasn’t especially bitchy today. I don’t see her at all until block. You know, when I stopped eating w/ them I lost all my connections to guys. Earlier in the year I was always talking to some guy. Whether it was Billy or Dave S. or Jeff. I kind of wish I was still in that part of our group. What group? There isn’t a group. There are a bunch of people that eat lunch near each other but no “group”. I kinda like it better this way, I just walk from place to place with different people. I just wish I was welcome in the little group that Ana, Alexis, and Natalie seem to have formed.
Robbie likes Keri R. I mean, she’s nice, and all, but they’re going to go out. I can’t help but to be jealous: I was talking to him in block, (Yipeeeeeee) and he said that he won’t ask Keri out ’cause Kelly H. (the bitch) likes him and it would be uncomfortable. For some reason, I found myself telling him to ask her out. I geuss I’d rather have him be happy and me miserable, then him miserable and me miserable. She might say no, but she’ll probably say yes. Continue Reading